
Contemporary Pendant Lighting


Minimal Rotating Disc Wall Clock

  • Love unicorns? This adorable bowl of magicalness comes with a Kawaii style unicorn peeking over a pink intergalactic sky. In fact its one of the cutest bowls we’ve ever seen! Perfect for serving up your ramen noodles or just a plain ol’ bowl of soup! 

    Cute/Kawaii unique unicorn bowl/dish

  • Alpacas are officially the cutest toy around and there’s nothing cuter than a LED rainbow alpaca! This super adorable llama is made of natural soft white plush on the outside and also features a unique function of glowing in dark too!

    Cute/Kawaii Unique Rainbow Alpaca LED Plushie

  • This large fluffy fella is one of the most adorable plushies we’ve seen! Measuring a full 19.7″ (50cm) from ear to feet this giant sloth sure is an armful. With exceptionally soft fur he’ll be the most popular (and huggable) character in the house! 

    Cute/Kawaii Unique Large Sloth Plushie Soft Toy

  • Would you love to inject a bit of cuteness into your coffee or tea break? If so you can’t get cuter than these adorable little guys made from these unique hanging bear cookie cutters. They come in a five-piece set and are safe and non-toxic too – bonus!

    Cute/Kawaii unique hanging bear cookie cutters/molds

  • Authentic keffiyeh master cleanse. Fingerstache semiotics PBR quinoa. Pop-up Godard kale chips, trust fund Neutra fingerstache paleo Wes Anderson. Deep v single-origin coffee cred Thundercats beard.

    Press Coffee Maker

  • Want to be the envy of all your friends? Now you can with this super gorgeous and super cute Kawaii Retro telephone landline styled on the classic from the 1960’s but with a wow-inducing revamp! Comes in super cute colors from brilliant red to pastel pink and handily plugs into any standard phone socket for use.

    Cute Kawaii Retro Pink Telephone Landline

  • Constantly on the lookout for a cute planter for your succulent or cactus? Well, now you’ve found one! Here is an ultra-unique Kawaii style fox head animal planter so you can turn your flower pots into pure adorableness!

    Cute/Kawaii unique fox succulent/cactus planter/pot
